Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Thoughts on Workplace Mannerism

//continue to be edited.

1. Dress for success. Show competence not excess!
Don't dress sloppy. If someone can tell what job title just by the way you dress then you need to work on your attire.

2. Look up when you walk.
Stop walking while looking at the ground inches in front of your feet.

3. Never say the forbidden words. "Can't", "Impossible", "I'm Sleepy".
-Saying can't means...well you aren't trying hard enough.
-Saying things are impossible means...you lack value and can not grow/advance within the company.
-Saying sleepy means...simply incompetence. You'd think it is just an expression stating you are tired, however it showcase your lack of time management because you can't manage your sleep schedule properly to perform on the job.

4. MORE on the saying "sleepy" Personal Branding.

-Why do you buy Nike's shoes? Toyota's cars? Apple's product?
Because the product those company makes reflect certain quality that consumer look for.
Nike's shoes have style and performance.
Toyota's cars have quality and long lasting values.
Apple's products are innovative, unique, and stylish.

So let me ask you. If you, your name, is a company/business what does it reflect?
What do people think of when they say (insert_your_name_here)?
Lazy? Sleepy? Incompetent? Never on time? Undependable?

What you say daily at work will eventually become a personal motto and slogan and it will become your personal statement reflecting your personal performance.

Lets examine Nike's slogan.
"Just do it"

Or Addidas'
"Impossible is Nothing"

“Watch your thoughts, for they become words.
Watch your words, for they become actions.
Watch your actions, for they become habits.
Watch your habits, for they become character.
Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.”

//continue to be edited.

5. If you work with your headphones on. DO NOT SING or LAUGH OUT LOUD.

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